Press Pack '25

Press Pack ’25

Please find here a compilation of short film clips of the band playing live, including some examples of the projected original animations we use to accompany the music. Also a biography and reviews. Jonathan Day Collective Biography 2025 “Jonathan Day is a musician of movement and of place – an artist who, whether through the...
BBC Radio 4/British Library animate us : )

BBC Radio 4/British Library animate us : ) So delighted with this animation – BBC/ BRITISH LIBRARY took a section of an interview with myself, my daughter and the BBC’s Genevieve Tudor, and animated it. We were talking about touring in Thailand and the story of Rama and Sita. Click on the image to watch… lovely job don’t you think? x
NORWAY -  looking for light and wilderness between recordings

NORWAY – looking for light and wilderness between recordings

There’s something about light. Light wrapped around the day, driving away all but a relic of night. Sun from the north, across the top of the world, preternatural. Full bright on wind blown, mare’s tail waterfalls and a wonderfully strange, quiet, midnight gloaming. Light bursting inside a huge chunk of glacier, city block sized, mint...
FOLK RADIO interview

FOLK RADIO interview

Recent interview with Folk Radio Uk, click the image to view  : )
Music and Myth Festival '17, Thailand - the dim lit subterranea of the ancient mind

Music and Myth Festival ’17, Thailand – the dim lit subterranea of the ancient mind

  Soft warm wind on the worm brown water, a coiling slither from the deep green heartland, the Temple of Dawn sparkling in the darkness, water around and in everything. A hall painted with shifting light, a hundred instruments new and strange – pulsing the life-beat of these ancient lands, with me astonished and inspired...
RADIO INTERVIEW: Jonathan talks ancient music, found instruments and singing into the silence with Gary Wilcox on 'the Quiet Revolution'

RADIO INTERVIEW: Jonathan talks ancient music, found instruments and singing into the silence with Gary Wilcox on ‘the Quiet Revolution’

Radio Interview: Jonathan talks ancient music, found instruments and singing into the silence with Gary Wilcox on ‘the Quiet Revolution’
Thai Tour '14 - Hatti's story

Thai Tour ’14 – Hatti’s story

THAIS BELIEVE THAT FREEING A LIFE BRINGS BENEFIT AND BLESSING. This one ancient and arcane belief holds within it the heart of mercy, the thing so obviously missing in our grab-it-all society. The reality is more mundane and questionable – on the banks of the river, plastic buckets hold fish, eels and turtles, caught to...
Booklaunch/ Exhibition/ Gig for 'Postcards from the Road' at 86'd Gallery

Booklaunch/ Exhibition/ Gig for ‘Postcards from the Road’ at 86’d Gallery

“I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire: For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.” A WONDERFUL time at 86’d GALLERY, stuck in a high window looking over the late-lit Severn, each side surrounded by an engine assault of high day bikers, cruising the strip. Through the open window, voiles carving in the...
Postcards from the Road

Postcards from the Road

Jonathan’s photo book Postcards from the Road (University of Chicago Press) made while touring in the USA available here REVIEW BY NEW YORK’S “ARTnews” MAGAZINE click on image to go there : )

BOOK LAUNCH Gig & exhibition at 86’d Gallery, Ironbridge

Gig and exhibition at 86’d gallery, Ironbridge launching a new book of tour photos. Private view this Wednesday x