Music and Myth Festival ’17, Thailand – the dim lit subterranea of the ancient mind
Soft warm wind on the worm brown water, a coiling slither from the deep green heartland, the Temple of Dawn sparkling in the darkness, water around and in everything. A hall painted with shifting light, a hundred instruments new and strange – pulsing the life-beat of these ancient lands, with me astonished and inspired...

FILM: 44th HONG KONG ARTS Festival – MORE THAN FOLK at CITY HALL presented by Bird Time Jazz Club and Hong Kong Folk Club
44th Hong Kong Arts Festival – More than Folk presented by Bird Time Jazz Club and Hong Kong Folk Club ONNAGATA, CANTICLE and NORTHERN SKY PONCHARTRAIN, CAFE IN THE VALLEY OF THE FIRE CHURCH

Lumenvisum show – Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong
來自路上的名信片 Postcards from the Road Jonathan Day 18.4 – 28.5.2015 開幕酒會 Opening Reception 18.04.2015 (六 Sat) 4 – 6 pm 藝術家講座 Artist‘s Talk 18.04.2015 (六 Sat) 3 – 4 pm Jonathan Day 出生的那一年,Robert Frank 出版了攝影集《The Americans》。書紀錄了這位瑞士裔美國藉攝影家花了兩年,開著一輛老舊二手車,穿越48個州分的美國之旅。按Jack Kerouac 的話,Frank「用菲林從美利堅索出一首憂傷的詩歌」。那是1959年。 書後來成為經典,被認為改變了攝影藝術的走向。半世紀後,英國伯明翰的Jonathan Day來到美國,源著前人的足跡,嘗試軿湊書中那「垮掉的一代」的雨零星散。開著租來的車,他在那些通往地平線的公路上,遇上了那些肥大的汽車,那些星條旗,那些十字架,只是,那些符號所指向的早已不是五十年代那浮華世界,而是《The Americans》當代的一章。我們仿佛可以看到,Frank的車就在前面駛過,揚起一片灰塵,裡面載著兩個異鄉人,在作一場跨半世紀的對話。 展覽源自Jonathan Day 同名著作。 The year when Jonathan Day was born, Robert Frank published his photo book The...

Spring in the borderlands – Barefoot Diaries, C12 and an eclipse
Skylarks look for lovers over Berwyn – last night’s late snow sullies the high tops – cloudy, dove-grey felt refuses the sun that warms my back. Spring in the borderlands, spring in the mountains. Delighted to have a print series celebrating the arrival of spring featured in the recently published Barefoot Diaries, a journal celebrating holistic and wild...

Mermaids and Volcanoes
Santorini has been a place to settle – find stillness and consider new music from a calm place. The little town a confection of stolid earth walled houses, built one upon another, falling higgledy up the caldera. From a distance it looks like snow crusting the lava… In a deep shadow cellar an old man carved...

Finishing new album ‘Atlantic Drifter’ in Santorini
After the liquid heat of Bangkok and the beautiful people of a two day helter-skelter Welsh festival – watching the evening light flood a mountain valley from my balcony in Santorini is as close to paradise as I can imagine. Sitting in the warm dry Aegean wind, as summer softly starts to fade… So heaven...

Thai Tour ’14 – Hatti’s story
THAIS BELIEVE THAT FREEING A LIFE BRINGS BENEFIT AND BLESSING. This one ancient and arcane belief holds within it the heart of mercy, the thing so obviously missing in our grab-it-all society. The reality is more mundane and questionable – on the banks of the river, plastic buckets hold fish, eels and turtles, caught to...

Booklaunch/ Exhibition/ Gig for ‘Postcards from the Road’ at 86’d Gallery
“I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire: For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.” A WONDERFUL time at 86’d GALLERY, stuck in a high window looking over the late-lit Severn, each side surrounded by an engine assault of high day bikers, cruising the strip. Through the open window, voiles carving in the...