Tour blog – music, photo, travelogue mashup goes to Finland
Departures – so nothing and nowhere – it’s a no place and no time. Such marvels, though, wait through the doors at the end of these silver tubes : )

Going to the land of Nog, travelling Moose airways
Looking for Noggin. I’m flying, so half my face is suffering speed blur —

Looking for Noggin. I’m flying, so half my face is suffering speed blur —
Moomin guitar case

Moomin guitar case
End of my first day and it’s winter for me at last, my loves – 12 hours travelling across the Nordsee and the frozen Baltic – the docks outside my hotel are deep blue-green sea ice still. Railway square is a ragged wind – across tramlines, sea front sand blown bitter curls around street lights. So ‘hissun kissun’ my dears. Oh how I love new planets… x

Hissun kissun
Northern city in sunshine: Helsinki

Northern city in sunshine: Helsinki
Venue in the sun

Venue in the sun
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Venue II: Arabia in the North

Venue II: Arabia in the North
Out today in the sun and idiot wind
Hooded crows on the ice, like grey jacketed safety inspectors looking for cracks
Eider ducks and northern divers sit indifferent to the stultifying cold.
Inadequately wrapped in tweed and a woollen scarf, I thought, strangely, of Mallory and Irvine
on the summit plateau similarly dressed, their lives slipping softly into the snow,
surrounded by beauty as they faded – like the little match girl on the Copenhagen streets.
Walking, shivering, back I met a lovely girl in a pink coat, branded ‘Everest’.
She smiled back at me – sharing the fellowship of sun and cold,
her warm and happy eyes wrapped in generations of winter ancestors, a child of the ice flat lands, born so far from the high mountain-cold joy and death, written across her warm breast.
Sugar ice – sea ice crushed against the shore

Sugar ice – sea ice crushed against the shore

Sea ice – harbour
Bubble tracks pushing through sea ice

Bubble tracks pushing through sea ice

Arabiankatu sea ice III

Arabiankatu sea ice IV
Gig with the excellent ‘New Better Spring Band’ – rocking the Kantele… x

With the excellent ‘New Better Spring Band’ – rocking the Kantele… x
Lovely show at Kapelli, Finland – something to do with the light…

Lovely show at Kapelli, Finland – something to do with the light…