Wat Arun – the Temple of the Dawn
Soft warm wind on the worm brown water, a coiling slither from the deep green heartland, the Temple of Dawn sparkling in the darkness, water around and in everything. A hall painted with shifting light, a hundred instruments new and strange – pulsing the life-beat of these ancient lands, with me astonished and inspired in the dim lit subterranea of the ancient mind.
9th June 1924 (for George Mallory and Andrew Irvine), Music Myth and Realities Festival, Bangkok

Klong – a deep green canal in the city’s heart
Bangkok sits on water – half flooded half of the time, calf deep water in the streets, water on the railways, water in the temples, water between the graves. The morning sun seems to suck out all the moisture, only to condense and dump it back down in a dark monsoon. I swim amongst it, bringing dreams and stories of the cold seas – Vagabond Language scrawled between watery air and waterlogged earth

Chao Phraya heading for the Princess Galvani Vidhana Music Institute
Images of the performance (photographs by Jean Davide Caillouet and Gabriel Camelin)


Music Myth and Realities festival performance

with Warwar San


Music Myth and Realities festival
